My new found hobby..

Taking pictures! I've enjoyed doing this for quite some time now but never really had the chance to buy a good camera. Anyhow, now that I have a digital camera along with me, i'll try to show you how I see things my way.=)

Take a peek at my new pHoto bLog!

What are Page Ranks and how are they calculated?

Page Rank is one of the most important factor that can help your blog/s earn big. And since most visitors, including your would be advertisers/sponsors, normally just spend a few seconds to a minute on your blog, it would be best to show off your blog's page rank/s at the upper portion of your page. Thru this ranking system, your visitor would be able to instantly know that your blog is either:

1. Getting visitors from difference locations.
2. Getting a lot of traffic due to the number of visits.
3. May have good quality posts that drives the visitors to come in and check out your blog.

In no particular order, these are the three well known ranking system in the blogospher right now:
1. Google PageRanks,
2. RealRanks by Izea, and
3. Alexa Ranks

How Google PageRank is Computed
Google PageRank is computed based on the combination of an unpublished ranking algorithm (which rates the quality of your site based on the number of other sites linking to it, what we call the backlinks) and some manual overrides to that algorithm's result. Google PageRank is not based on real traffic, but on link rating algorithm and some cloudy rules.

You can try to check out your blog's PageRank here.

How Izea's RealRank is Computed
RealRanks is created by Izea, the same company behind PayPerPost and SocialSpark.
This ranking system focuses exclusively on measuring the traffic and influence of individual blogs throughout the blogosphere. The traffic is measured using the IZEA Toolkit (ITK) by collecting data from a piece of code bloggers embed on their blog site. RealRank scoring is divided into the following categories:

1. 70% daily unique visitors,
2. 20% daily active inbound links, and
3. 10% daily page views as reported by ITK.

One of the things i like about RealRanks is that it can also show you a graphical report of your daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly pageviews and visits!

Try to see how your blog scores at RealRanks now!

How is Alexa Rank Computed
Alexa Rank uses Alexa toolbar to check on users' browsing activity to extrapolate a guess as to a site's actual traffic, and what percentage of the Internet users are likely to visit it.

If you're using Firefox as your browser, just add the Alexa Firefox Add-on to easily view your blog's Alexa traffic history.

Among the three, RealRank claims to be the most accurate ranking system because it is based on real traffic. I also do think so=)


  1. Hi Emz! Hirap nga kumuha ng page rank. Turuan mo naman ako. Pano ba ang entrecard? Are there other ways too? :)

  2. Hi Jenny, check out my latest post on this topic for my additional tips. Hope this helps you! God bless!

  3. Nice post. However, many paid reviews company still consider Page Rank more. I try to estimate Alexa Rank and unique visitor traffic, its seems that it is quite connected. I just know about RealRank.
