My new found hobby..

Taking pictures! I've enjoyed doing this for quite some time now but never really had the chance to buy a good camera. Anyhow, now that I have a digital camera along with me, i'll try to show you how I see things my way.=)

Take a peek at my new pHoto bLog!

My CJ now dances, sings, says A-B-C, and 1-2-3 with me=)

I just love the feeling every time we enter our home from a hectic day at work. =) Our girls truly sweeps away all our stress.

Now, it's not only Missy doing the talks but even CJ! CJ always dances to the tunes on the commercials, sings a-b-c and 1-2-3 with you, smiles a lot, and easily mimics what you're saying.=) All this new milestones CJ is able to do was also because of her new nanny who seems so fond to teaching her these songs and dances.

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