I received this order from a client and said she wanted a heart shaped cake looking chocolate. She just saw one of my advertisements and asked me if I could do this for her mom's birthday. I was of course ecstatic about the concept because it was my biggest molded chocolate order so far and a marvelous idea to add to my list of products.
Here are some shots of what I made yesterday.

Order number one for her mom's birthday.. what a sweet daughter..

Side view look at the chocolate. That's mint white milk chocolate at the middle layer

Order number two..

Elegantly packed and ready to go!
It's basically composed of bittersweet and semisweet chocolates with mint white milk chocolate at middle layer. Although I could simply use melted white chocolate for the message and decorations, I decided to use vanilla butter cream icing instead so as to make it look more like a cake.=)
I am so happy about the outcome. I do think that this will also be a nice and unique wedding favor. I'm again making one tomorrow night for another client! =)
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